After waiting for almost four months after sending my application I finally got a message from Christina, a really nice assistant from EF (my organisation which helps me a lot with my exchange).
She told me that I will probably get a host family in Texas. Yeah, Texas! My first thoughts were actually farms and horses and beautiful nature. To be honest, I was so simplehearted and confused about everything. At first I couldn't even realize that it's reality. I was so happy and excited, after a while I realized that I was going to do an exchange year for the very first time. I have never ever felt this before, but now it's real, I will go abroad and it feels so good.
Stop being emotional, Anna. Put yourself together!
I will go to Austin, the capital city of Texas. That's fore sure. But I don't know exactly who's going to be host family yet.
Of course I googled some facts about my future home, I overflew different texts about Austin and I think living there is going to be fun.
As one might expected, I have already looked for some vegan restaurants. Good news, there's an awesome selection of yummie food!
This is my summary:
Austin is crazy, loves music, kind of magic and I will like it.
There are also rivers, for example the beautiful Colorado River, people can even swim there.
If you are afraid of bats you shouldn't go to visit the popular Congress Avenue bridge. (Have a look at photos on the internet)
The city is surrounded by many green areas, that's perfect.
Further information will follow soon.