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CHOOSE, you can be anything

Hi lovely you,

I've been thinking about everything (Í know that sounds like a lot) ever so much lately. For the last two or three weeks I got a valuable gift I don't get that often in Austria. Time.

Time for myself, which guided my dreams and made them seem like they were real. Let's say, at least I've seen that there's a chance that they could become real. My dad told his daughter once, back when I was a little funny girl in primary school, known for her messy hair and not even close to a girly evidence of attitude. He told me that I can be anything, I just need to believe and fight for it.

Now I know that he was more than right. After more than ten years I literally realized this phrase and got to understand what it means to have the ability to choose. I used to believe I'm not good enough for several things and honestly, I still do. Tell me, who doesn't? This is so hard, because I want to go the right ways, always. Strangely enough the right way often doesn't look like the pretty and solid one. It can get stony, rocky, there can be holes, there can be roots stoping you from continuing your sometimes so tough path. But if you choose to walk the difficult one make sure you do it barefoot. Make sure you feel every little sharp rock scratching your skin, all the pureness and honesty, feel every single movement. At the final end it depends on you. Another issue I have, and I know so many other people are struggling with the same thing as well, is the belief that there's is someone better than you. This mindset is impeding your life. It is true, there will always be someone better, but there is no reason why you can't be the best version of yourself.

I want to encourage you, if you read this, to listen to your inner voice. There is something waiting, it has been waiting for you so long and now is the time to take that chance. To live your right path even it's hard. We learn, we grow and every time we fall and fail we won't come back iliterated. With every decision we make in life we gain wisdom and get closer to our desire. Get rid of negative feelings, get rid of people you can't connect with, don't judge yourself for mistakes, don't hide yourself. You are so worth it and someone needs your success so bad. Please show the world who you are and live your dreams more than ever. If you are able read this you are one of the richest and wealthiest person on this beautiful planet. You are one of so many people who is actually able to make a change. Become a musical actor, become a pilot, change your job twice, change your job a thousand times if it's neccessary. Live on a lonely island and hike a trail noone ever hiked before. Whatever you wanna do, don't ever tell yourself anything would be impossible. It is you, you can choose, you can be anything. Just believe.

Also, I created a bucket list for my exchange before I came to the land full of cowboys (cowboys, she said?). Anyways, I already crossed off some things, wherefore I'm really happy. But last week a big dream came true. My beautiful and amazing friends took me to Sculpture Falls, a magical river with babywaterfalls among the woods. YES, we made it! Aaah, nothing better than being surrounded by the voices of our mother earth. It was insane. Thank you mom and dad for making this real, I'm forever grateful <3

Your happy Hippie Anna, Peace to all of you


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