Love Letter
Hello my dear, I'm glad to be back after such a long break. My mind has been exploding lately from words which need to be said. This is...

American Christmas & New Year's Eve
I'm glad that I got the special chance to experience a truly American Christmas with all the bells and whistles, except the typical...

DECEMBER, brought miracles
Hello and happy 3rd Sunday of Advent! I hope y'all cound find some peaceful and relaxing times to enjoy your family, your friends or most...
HAPPY Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksliving y'all! I hope everyone could enjoy their holiday with lots of yummie dishes , love, family and...
Oatmeal-Dates Energy Balls
Healthy and no bake! This recipe equals about 15 energy balls Ingredients 1 cup rolled oats ½ cup steel cut oats ¼ cup ground flax seed...

CHOOSE, you can be anything
Hi lovely you, I've been thinking about everything (Í know that sounds like a lot) ever so much lately. For the last two or three weeks I...

BIG TURN, short nights, long days
Dear everybody, It's blog time, storytime! How lucky I am to say that I had such a great week. This post is all about the wonderful...

2 MONTHS, half-time
Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I left the austrian airport. Or more precisely, 2 months (and a few days) passed by. To be...

CRAZY NUMBER 18, jump!
Hey everybody! Life is going crazy with me right now. I jumped. Out of a plane. From 2 miles. Just because :D Guess which sentense is not...

ROADTRIP, Colorado
Cool, cooler, Colorado A state full of happiness, nature and nice people. And I had the honor to visit this happy place. When my...