AUSTIN, food, fun and more...
Monday + no school = Funday! It was a blast when Leah, my adorable vegan American, but unfortunately not in Cedar Park living friend...

High School Musical, Hannah Montana, Disney's große Pause, etc. We all know them and that's exactly what I expected when I was on the way...

MORNING TRIP, Brushy Creek Lake
When my mom told me last night that I had to get up earlier than I used to because she's having a suprise for me I didn't know which...

Texas is well-known for meaty BBQ's, fat Burgers and stereotyped farms. Where I live, a really liberal and cool place to be, shows...

Hey beautiful souls, Today it's been a week since I arrived at the Austin airport. But actually it feels so much longer. There's still so...
Ready, set, go... Today it's getting serious. Today I left home for a while (maybe a little bit more than a while ;)) As soon as my...
HOST FAMILY, new home
On Saturday I finally got not just to know my future high school, I even got in touch with my host family. This was the best call from EF...

TEXAS, I'm coming!
After waiting for almost four months after sending my application I finally got a message from Christina, a really nice assistant from EF...